A 'small' update

Hello everyone, I hope you're up for a new round,

but today just as text and that will be hard enough. Because today I will write like I would be in my tent. :0) With smartphone and bluetooth keyboard. :0D At the end I will also give a small feedback on how good that combination works. :0) Haha! I'm curious.

But first let us talk about some more important points. I have important news for you!! I know the start date and I'm ready to tell it! \o/

The starting shot

I'm so happy to finally have a date! :0)

If you want, you can mark July the 14th 2018 in your calendars! Yepp, one day after Friday 13th and one before the world cup finals! But I'm in cheerful spirits, that I won't hurt myself to much while packing my stuff together. :0) Cross your fingers! Haha! Because I was killed by a folding bed in a PC game once! :0X Haha!

I also planned the first three stages of my journrey! My first goal is to start ealry in the morning at the 14th, to get to Greifswald, because there is a camp ground almost on my way. :0) And you know, lazy me.. Haha! :0D
The goal at the 15th will be Sassnitz and hopping onto the fairy to Trelleborg. If I'm not to slow, it could be possible to get onto the camp ground in Malmö, that I missed last year because I was one hour to late... But I will probably sleep a bit on the fairy to be on the save side. :0) Who knows what will happen. :0D
My last planned goal is to reach Astorp on Monday the 16th Juli! :0) This will be my last camping in civilisation and then I head into the woods. :0D
But all those plans can also be altered one, two or even a hundred times and are not cast in stone. This journey is planned to be fun and not stress. :0) But a bit adventure is planned. :0D Haha!

Intimacy update

I also have some other news today... This week was my first date with an eight legged small and very interesting being!
It was a tick. Which place it hade chosen I let up to your fantasy. But I was very uncomfortable showing it to the doc... :0) I have no pics of that incident! O.O Yepp, I have seen the doctor because of two reasons. The first was, I didn't knew how to get this little visitor out of my body, because I had no tick card or tick tong and the other reason is the internet... It is a spring for opposing informations about everything... I've found: pull slowly, pull fast, turn it clockwise, turn it counterclockwise, use a pointed tweezer, use a flat tweezer and so on and so on... My nerves were blank! Hahaha!
All pharmacies were already closed and I had no luck in the other stores around. No one wanted to sell me a tick removal tool, which wasn't able to hurt me more than the tick... So I decided to visit the casualty of the local hospital. There I also learned, what I would have to do if a tick ever decides to put her nos into my business again. The tick tong the doctor used looked a lot like a crowbar... wait... crowbar... crawling animals... white scrubs... sorry I missed the line... Back to topic... So you tuck the tick with the crowbar and pull carefully. Not to fast, so it keeps its head and not to slow so it doesn't get the chance to vommit its illnesses into you.. Afterwards I was sprayed with some desinfecting spray and done.
The doctor and I felt pity for that small patient and decided to set it into the gras around the corner. :0D
This incident got me two new utensils for the journey. A small mirror to look at the hardly seeable places on my body and a tick card. :0)

I got this so I can sleep alone at night. :0)

Now we change the tune

I've got this from three wonderful people. :0)

One last news I still have here! I will try to get my ukulele with me. :0) I still don't know how to get it onto my bike and also how to get it dry around sweden, but where there is a will there is a way. :0) At the weekend I will try to pack my bike as if I would start the big tour and make a testdrive. Just for a small tour. To see if and how I get everything into my bags, if I missed something and if I get my fully loaded bike moved. :0)

And the moral of the story

My highly comlicated and technical intensive setup! Hahaha!

Finally a tech topic!!! Hahaha! I knew it, I knew that I sooner or later will turn this blog into a tech blog. Hahaha!
Short: the keyboardconclusion!
I found nothing to complain about. The keyboard is wonderful! No problems, it never lost connectivity, I don't miss any keys and it was as much fun as on my laptop keyboard. Just the splchk is missing... Haha! But I hope to get this done by myself, by reading over texts again and again. Haha! :0D
I even have a small holder for my smartphone, so it can stand close to the keyboard. There will still be tests for energy and long time usability but if there will be any bad news I let you know as soon as possible. :0)

See you next time and I wish you a lot of fun discovering the world and during your adventures! Keep a stiff upper lip

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